Friday, January 9, 2009

Bruce and I are just home from a week away at a couples resort in Antigua (The Sandals Grande). The loving energy was at such a high vibration. Men and women only there with a purpose to love and be loved. We enjoyed every day as we explored each other and found that our time , that was so precious, showed us the depth of our unconditonal love.

I envision a world in love and peace and for one week this resort became that world for us. I know that the first step to this reality is living it in your own world and it all starts with the connection of love and peace in your own heart. Support yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically and this connection sends a signal out to the universe....very softly...that you are supporting yourself and thus manifests complete support.

Find ways to ignite your passion and playfulness. Laugh and cry with the joy of living fully. The peaceful, joyful, passionate and loving world that you crave is waiting to live in your heart. Be the inspiration!

Colleen Hoffman Smith

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