Monday, January 19, 2009

"Listen to your friends and loved ones. Be their biggest fan! Support them emotionally by allowing them the space to go where they make their choices to go. Share your thoughts if they ask for them. Create intimacy by sharing your experiences to give them another window of opportunity. Judgment or criticism is felt within the energy that embraces the voice. Clear your heart of fear so that the unconditional love speaks volumes. Observe their journey and remember your own.

Sit with patience and be there with faith...on the sidelines...until you are invited in by an open heart. If someone gives their opinion and you don't's not about proving them wrong. Instead of reacting or shutting down, express your perspective as you share your own experience. Let go of control and allow your loved ones their experiences. If your heart is open and judgment or disappointment is out of the way, there is a chance for someone to hear you.

Find your way each day to your compassionate, open and loving heart. Conscious communication and a healthy voice creates a beautiful rhythm between two hearts.

Support your self emotionally and create a safe environment for your friends and loved ones to share themselves with you.....this space can encourage healing and inspiration."

Colleen Hoffman Smith

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