Friday, February 27, 2009

The Message in the Space

The beauty of space within attracts the miracle of life,
birthed in each moment without our control.
The harmony of our breath……
without the interference of details and struggle,
make way for the space that is already there.
Take the time to walk with this space,
inside and outside of us.
Be in this place,
and feel the nothingness of everything.
Lift our own vibration to the level
where we have no mind.
The picture of the present
is the space that is like a canvas.
With the unfolding of the picture as you breathe……
the light and dark, giving birth
to the colors that are brilliant,
because the love has pulled the emotions
from the empty space to be felt.
As the picture unfolds,
the present moment embraces the masterpiece of peace.
Colleen Hoffman Smith
(Excerpt from my first book, Pocket Guide to your Heart)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

" The sweetness of Spring is peeking out this morning. Remember how it feels when your heart opens like a beautiful tulip. The peacefulness of nature reminding us that Springtime is living in us everyday as we birth new ideas, new relationships and more love."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

" Listen to the gentle voice that wakes you up to connection...and then connect with yourself and someone.
Stretch your body to welcome the day and connect to the peace within.
Feel the emotions that rise up...connect...take responsibility...release.
Acknowledge your feelings and connect with your heart.
Connect with your life from a place of deep connection.
Call that person who comes into your consciousness...connect.
Get to know the pain by listening...connect.
Understand your life because of the truth...the connection is waiting."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Each day we have obligations, commitments and chores that monopolize our time. Projects and business that needs our full attention. Usually from out of nowhere comes a call for help, a mess that needs sorting out and maybe even a house guest arriving for a week. Our agendas are full beyond capacity and we wonder how can we get it all done with ease...without anxiety....staying centered....not losing our cool....and without taking our stress out on others?

I also know that my body needs to exercise and be nourished with healthy food and on top of everything, I have to shower, put make-up on, do my hair and pick out a great outfit that will suit the day's events. Wow, somedays it just looks like mission impossible!

When overwhelmed, I make sure that I keep the commitment with myself first. To move out of worry that I can't possibly handle it all.

Meditation moves me from the details and chattering of my mind into a peaceful place in my heart. Here I feel open as I give to myself the comfort and faith that I will do my best. I also know that if I am supporting myself emotionally, the day will unfold better and I will have the support I need.

Asking for help when I am sitting in the center of my heart is also important. When I reach a calmness inside suddenly a space opens in me....and I drop into acceptance....and then another door opens and I move into faith....and from this place I expand into love and joy. Before I know it, excitement is rising up and I know that I am ready for my day.

The plans may change and many more circumstances may pop up....more opportunities to enhance my day.....but I am here fully.

I will allow the the energy of the day to move through me and instead of standing in the way....I will stay fact I am going to enjoy it all...and breathe into every moment and each opportunity to be present and alive. I AM HERE. "
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Monday, February 23, 2009

"Last night, like millions of people all over the world, I watched the Academy Awards. I was very impressed with how the leading men and women were honored. When it was time for Best and Supporting Actors in both the women's and men's roles to be announced, 5 past Oscar award winners graced the stage.

Each icon gave tribute to one nominee with a script that moved through their heart, acknowledging each actor's talent and connecting to them on a very deep level. The camera moved from the actor who was speaking to the nominated actor who was receiving the accolades.

I was touched by each one, as I saw and felt the love and pride moving between the actors; as their eyes welled up and the nominee was overwhelmed with emotions. These powerful experiences staged a safe place for the audience to meet each leading actor in a very personal, beautiful and humbling moment in their lives.

Each nominated actor, whether they won or not were elevated up by their peers and the energy of everyone bowed down to their brilliance.

When the envelope was opened and the Best Actor was announced, he or she accepted the Oscar with dignity and surprise. In this moment they were all winners, they became one. The academy production choreographed a very honoring segment in the ceremony and gave each nominee a chance to shine. The Best Actor was held with respect and everyone stood up with heartfelt applause.

I believe that we were all privileged to observe and experience such an authentic and private moment with these talented people. This night raised the bar for all academy award emotional connection and deepening between the actors and audience was achieved. Bravo!"

Colleen Hoffman Smith

Friday, February 20, 2009

"It isn't up to anyone to fulfill us or make us whole....that is up to us. We will attract and inspire healthy relationships when we are. There are some people who just rub us the wrong way...make us feel not good enough....nervous or agitated....sometimes we walk on eggshells.

We can want to live alone, but in a relationship is where we have the opportunity to grow the most. If you are not with someone significant right now, check back and remember a relationship that created struggle and negativity. Connect with the emotional pain that is still living inside you....breathe into the feelings.....and with the privacy of your own relationship with your heart...use your voice to let go of any negativity that is suppressed.

Use The Inner Workout to connect with your emotional body and the uncomfortable untruths that are attached to anyone. Become healthier in your mind, spirit, body and heart as you remember the truth. "I don't need anyone's love and approval".

Once the negativity of fear, disappointment, self-doubt, anger and resentment is released and forgiven, there is more love and peace......and this daily communication with your self is the intimate, beloved relationship that supports you....fulfills you.....makes you whole.

Inspire your life from this beautiful connection and live free!"
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"Try to live each day with one foot in and one foot out...feeling yourself...breathing fully into the present moment...being conscious and aware of what's happening around you and what's happening inside you.

Each moment unfolding as you live in the presence of all that there is and this precious place; living from the inside out trying to be aware of this connection throughout your day.

Breathe fully and BE here."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Do you wake up in love or in pain...Do you reach over and say good morning or feel nothing....Do you start the day with a glass lemon water or a cup of coffee....Do you stretch your body in the morning or do you get busy doing....Do you believe today or have you lost your faith....Do you feel your anxiety or do you listen to the chatter of your mind...Do you blame others or do you take responsibility.....Do you judge or accept....Do you choose to live fully or do you close your heart....Do you dance or do you sleep....Do you move forward with enjoyment or do you sit a while in denial....Do you get to know the mystery each day or do you hide from the truth...Do you live with guilt or forgiveness...Do you speak with criticism or do you have a voice with clarity and peace...Do you feel unfulfilled or are you listening for your needs...Are you waiting for love and passion to arrive or are you living in your love and passion...Are you waiting for your life to get better or are you living better in your life???



Breathe into each moment and choose with your heart in mind.....there are no only takes a moment to remember .....breathe into the presence."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"If we stop growing or stop becoming all that we are, we can feel stuck and this could be our hell...and our barometer of how we are feeling. When hell knocks at your door, move inside to your inner struggle and face the fear that is lurking.

The darkness of depression or anxiety of your emotional storm creates an opportunity to give yourself attention and love. It is not up to anyone to make you feel good about yourself. Self-responsibility opens your heart and the release of the fear that is attached to the outside world shifts your inner world.

From this space of peace there is no control and a chance for the universe to arrive and give you the gifts that you are worthy of. We don't know what is in our future...when our successes, abundance or beloveds are coming...but from this sacred place of peace and more love we can be patient while faith creates possibilities and enthusiasm.

Move your dark demons out of the way and allow your true love to live fully. Your nourished, loving and peaceful heart can manifest your future.


Heaven has programmed your life...
live in heaven everyday."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Monday, February 16, 2009

"Today has been marked as family day. Whether or not you can be with your family in person...spend some time with them as you close your eyes and visualize each one of them and sit in the center of your heart. Feel the tenderness and the innocence as you spend time with each one. If you have any barriers with anyone, give it some attention today.

Allow any resentments, hurts or disappointments living in you and embrace and let them go. Forgive, so that your heart can resolve any differences and open to the love that is waiting for you. Visualize a healthy loving relationship and be patient.

Create family love and peace in your heart and home everyday. Be the one who inspires gentle, kindness and respect and send out a sweet invitation as you put out your welcome mat. Open the door to the heart of your family and celebrate the presence of peace and love."

Colleen Hoffman Smith

Friday, February 13, 2009

"Everything we do or say is filtered through our closed heart or open heart. It takes courage to live when we feel only negativity. It is hard to receive love when our hearts are full of fear, hurt, disappointment and resentment. We can't hide from our emotional pain because it eventually becomes our life. We can blame others and sit in the cave of our darkness....but eventually our physical world will pull us into the deep hole of struggle. Breaking through to the truth takes a brave soul, because underneath all of the negative emotions sits the lie that is the real culprit. This lie that was planted in us so long ago is what attracts the lack of love in our life....or the lack of success in our career...lack of abundance.... the abandonment....loneliness.....loss....and failures.

Do you remember the fairytale about the Princess and the Pea? It's a wonderful story by Hans Christian Andersen. Once upon a time, there was a prince who travelled the world to find a real princess. One night in the rain aprincess was standing outside of his gate. The queen took her in for the night and tested her by laying a pea under 20 mattresses. In the morning, the princess said that she couldn't sleep as there was something hard that had made her body black and blue all over. They all agreed that nobody but a real princess could be this sensitive...the prince had found his princess.

The lie is the Pea that sits underneath the many matresses or the layers of our emotional pain. The lie that we are not worthy, not good enough, unloveable or not successful. Be truthful with yourself at the point of feeling closed or unhappy about someone or something......release the feelings of anger, hurt, disappointment and resentment in a healthy way. Once we can acknowledge that these uncomfortable feelings are ours, in the privacy of our own heart, this awareness can bring us to the understanding and the truth of self-doubt that doesn't really want to fester.

Say to yourself.....I don't believe the lie any longer.....I am good enough....and I am worthy of love and abundance.

Clear any lies that are living in your mind or heart so that you can fall deeply in love within. Experience all of the love that you are and know with every cell of your being that you are worthy of a life that will reflect the goodness and beauty that you are. If Valentines Day is taking you for a ride to your self-doubt or closed heart....take a turn inside and allow the tears of loneliness to spill out and the resentments and disappointments to be lifted with your fear until you feel that your emotional tank is empty. Know that you are on the high way that has been mapped out for is up to you to make the healthy choice as the roadblocks allow you an opportunity to either steer to the right or to the left. We can choose to live in love or live in pain. Let your creativity move through you heart each day and honor your journey to more love and peace.

If you are not in a beloved relationship, treat yourself to something loving yourself some flowers....have lunch with a friend....share a decadent dessert with a loved one....take a walk in nature and connect with your open heart.

You are worthy! Happy Valentine's Weekend!!!!
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"I choose to spend today open and present to whatever is going on. When any negativity arrives I will breathe into my feelings and sit quietly here for a moment. I will be available to be with my experience and allow the energy to move. My heart feels peace.....My heart feels the love....I am here......Where are you?"
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"If you take a look at the chapters of your life story, you can see how dramas and successes have woven the tapestry of your essence. Know that the only constant is change; prepare your heart for the roller coaster of emotions that may take you inside to focus on you.

Any change or hard experience that comes out of nowhere is moving the energy of your life and re-directing your journey. Once the disruption becomes evident, know that one day this too will become another chapter in your story that will give you more wisdom and stretch you to a new awareness about yourself...a deepening that can breakthrough your experience.

While the drama takes me on a roller coaster with my emotions ....I love feeling the difference inside me once a new chapter of my life has turned me inside and out. I believe that our outer world takes us by the heart to become more conscious or can scare us into denial.

I choose to work through my feelings and take responsibility for my part that suddenly becomes obvious. Once the negative feelings are acknowledged and released I can remember who I am and I breathe into my open heart. Here I can hold the space for truth to settle in and my loving support to create a peaceful back drop for a healing moment.

During this Valentine's week, take a look at each chapter of your life story and feel the many ways that you have grown with your loving heart. Honor your journey and feel gratitude for every experience and relationship that has been significant to opening your heart to more love."

Colleen Hoffman Smith

Friday, February 6, 2009

"Fall in love each day with your heart.....See the beauty of each moment as you breathe into the depth of your sweetness.

February is the month that focuses on LOVE and HEART. Everywhere you look you are reminded by the media and advertising. Stores display the colours of passion and love moving you in the direction of remembering your loved ones.

Spend time each day with your personal relationship with your feelings and create a loving space for your heart to ignite your life. Share this gentleness and journey with your heart's desire as you choose the richness of subtle bliss. Allow the voice of your love to kiss the words that you speak and give the gift of unconditional love as you embrace the pleasures of all of your relationships. Make the choice each day this month to love more!"
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Thursday, February 5, 2009

"How do we handle the pain and suffering of our loved ones or ourselves ...chronic illness facing physical and emotional unwellness or disabilities. Day after day medical struggles can pull anyone into the victim within. Feeling the desperation and tiredness of daily discomfort and the fear of never getting well. The search for healing and relief from doctors and holistic medicine becomes the focus. The pathway out of the black hold of despair becomes the priority.

Listen to your body and your heart. Be there for your loved ones without judgment. Have faith that this challenging time takes you deeper within to find the opportunity for a deeper personal connection and commitment for a healthier life.

I choose life and see myself and others healed."

Colleen Hoffman Smith

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Morning Recipe To Bring Joy To Your Day With A Prayerful Message

Wrap each moment, every thought and word with loving kindness.
Nourish our heart with peace so that we can be receptive.
Remove rotten resentment and lift away the fear that pokes through our behaviour.
Embrace hope with confidence and believe in our- self and others.
Sit in the silence of our gentle breathing as we comfort any anxieties.
Crack open the hard shell of disappointment and spread delicious tenderness and compassion.
Cleanse the negativity that closes our heart to the presence of forgiveness.
Light the fire of desire and warm the coldness of judgment.
Feel the richness of our life and the blessings that give us fullness.
Blend the creative juices of self-worth with passion and pour it into the cup of truth.
Drink the wisdom of our divine purpose and trust in the strength of our life force.
Indulge in the sweetness of faith and crave emotional freedom.
Share with loved ones the feast of consciousness and the dessert of unconditional love.
Treat yourself each day are worth it!

Colleen Hoffman Smith

Monday, February 2, 2009

"The tidal wave of emotional life moves into our day to wake us up out of our sleepiness or busy-ness. The drama of others can pull us out of our heart or take us into the present moment to connect to life within. We must find our way out of the prison of our mind and into the space beyond our fear.

Instead of feeling that the experience or person needs to be fixed or controlled, can we use this time to find the part in us that needs to shift or move out of the way. A judgment or a feeling of resistance that stops our heart from acceptance or peace. The present moment desires our full attention so that we are free to greet our experiences of life with our presence.

If we are stuck in the quick sand of issues causing struggle....surrender to the wave of emotions that need to be released and drop out of the details of fear into the heart of love.
This presence opens up to the flow of energy that is creation. From peace you will find your answers and the opportunity to be in the center of a traumatic the divine life force shifts the dynamics of your perception. Here truth unfolds for whoever becomes conscious while taking responsibility.

Our purpose is to be aware of our own evolution as each day brings us to choose transformation. Let go of difficulty and be the one who chooses life. Faith dances between your mind and heart and can save you from making an unhealthy choice. It isn't easy but it can be simple as you breathe into truth."
Colleen Hoffman Smith