Monday, January 12, 2009

"Each day is a new adventure and our life can change so fast. The birth of a newborn precious baby or the loss of a loved one will move the energy of our world from one moment to the next. A perfect opportunity for us to feel more love or more pain....this is what is happening every day in our lives. The phone rings and the news on the other end may be exciting or devastating...either can be transforming.

Breathe into your own heart as the sun rises and clear any fear or resentment that may be collecting or pushed aside. Peek into your emotional state by spending time with any resistance that creates self-doubt or disappointment. Support yourself as your day unfolds and before you close your eyes at bed time find your way to gratitude as you sit in your compassionate heart.

Feel the fullness of your life and live in acceptance and faith as you inspire yourself and your loved ones with unconditional love and peace. Trust that every word spoken and each moment in silence can be the pathway to healing. We never know what the universe has in store for us. Trust that each turn in the road brings you to more awareness and wisdom."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

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