Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Make love all day! Love making with our mind, body and spirit is our personal conscious connection and we are the one's who make the choice. Intimate and healthy communication with our own heart in mind and breathing into our feelings at the same time takes practice. Our relationship with our emotions is the doorway to more love and will strengthen our ability to be present and committed to our own intimacy. Our daily love making is nurturing our spirit as we open to kindness and gentleness. Feeding our souls with a spiritual connection lifts us to a higher vibration as we hold the space for any negative judgment or fear to dissolve. Nourishing our body, which is our sacred temple, with healthy foods while stretching and moving with exercise keeps us flexible and attractive. Acknowledge the battles inside where guilt and anger become the power and forgive ourselves and others for forgetting that the love and peace is always waiting to connect.

I try to take 15 minutes each day to breathe until I feel the space in me. I then hold any negativity that rises up....from here I feel the uncomfortable emotions. My Inner Workout supports me each day as I release and let go of any negative lie that I am believing. From this place of compassion and forgiveness I am free to feel more love. Throughout the day I try to be conscious of my breath and allow my heart to lead the way. Opening my heart allows me the opportunity to be in love and acceptance. When a negative experience appears I don't have to react and it is alot easier to be present and observe. It seems that when I am more comfortable with myself and experiencing my day from a positive and loving heart ...the day becomes my reflection. Love making is our personal connection with our own heart.....share it! Attract and Inspire your Beloved relationship when you are connected.

Join Bruce and I for a teleseminar tomorrow night...we will be talking about how we keep the Beloved Relationship alive each day!"
Colleen Hoffman Smith

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