Monday, March 30, 2009

"The deepening with our emotional healing is constant. Even today, after years of taking responsibility for my life lessons and years of releasing and being in touch with my feelings, I am faced with emotional struggle. Out of nowhere comes the pain of my wound again. I can say from my ego or my head... "I'm not hurt anymore...I have forgiven them or I have dealt with it."...but again the pain rises up in me....not just emotional but also physical pain pounding through my shoulders and back.

The Inner Workout holds the space, creating the safe container for me to be with the truth of what needs to be embraced or if not taken care of it may become an explosion. This process shows me the pathway through the fire of my emotions, assisting me to deepen as I release another layer of past suppressed pain that embodies the lie that shows its face again...."I'm not good enough or I'm unlovable or I need someone else's love and approval".

Thank God ...I have The Inner Workout to guide me to peace and more love again and again and again. I am grateful!"

Colleen Hoffman Smith

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