Friday, May 15, 2009

"Can we open our eyes in the morning and say "Thank you"?
Can we be patient as all of the fibers of our experience unravels?
Can we sit in the center of our heart and breathe into our feelings?
Can we be still and listen to the voice of our peaceful soul instead
of listening to our mind of judgment?
Can we ground our self inside while being present with our spirit?
Can we witness our behavior with insight and wisdom?
Can we escort our negative thoughts out of the way?
Can we dance with the truth that love is always in the presence of our open heart?
Can we believe in our loved ones and community that kindness and trust
takes the lead?
Can we have the courage to take responsibility for our actions instead of becoming
Can we listen to the struggle of another and stay in compassion?
Can we hear the words "I am sorry" and then let go of the hurt?
Can we trust that we are worthy of peace, love, passion, purpose and abundance?
Can we choose living fully in the light and the dark?
Can we take a deep breath at the end of the day and say out loud
"I'm here and I am safe"?
Can we close our eyes and feel the gratitude?"

Colleen Hoffman Smith

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