Friday, November 7, 2008

"You may wake up in the morning and your first thought may be that 'it is a glorious is Friday....I feel great'. As you start to move into your day you may feel some anxieties rise up to be felt. This is a perfect time to go deeper within and breathe....breathe again....and move into the feelings that cause you to start to think and make judgements or assumptions about yourself....others...or the day. Take this time to expand from your thoughts to your feelings and acknowledge your fear, self-doubt or resentment. Clear the negativities by staying with them as you breathe and release them. Your negative mind will manefest a negative day. Stay with your feelings until you feel clear and with this clarity change your perception about the thought and give power to the truth. With the truth or the reality you can move into your day empowered."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

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