Monday, June 15, 2009

"When our plans are changed, we can react and project that we are inconvenienced mad or resentful OR we can make the choice to...

Breathe into our feelings and acknowledge what we feel. Disappointment, Resentment, Poor Me, Anger, Sadness or Fear....FEEL IT.
Surrender and let go.....we are being re-directed.

First of all, the direction is to go inside and to be conscious of what our emotional body is expressing.
Listen...Breathe....Be Here.

Take care of our-self while the energy of the situation settles and moves to where it needs to go.

Give to our-self and be present....Breathe and Let Go of Control.

Allow others to step into the situation and support.

Ask for what you desire and need in the silence of our heart.

Be patient as we sit in calmness.

Be open and receptive.

Claim inner strength as we accept the possibility of change.

From out of nowhere comes the miracle.

The change is in our favor and it is what we asked for.

Breathe with gratefulness.

Rest with the gift of more time."

Colleen Hoffman Smith

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