Monday, April 27, 2009

"Our feelings are not negativity they are truth. We may react to them in a negative way because the feeling takes us to our past. Taking the time to move into our breath will allow the feelings to be embraced. It only takes a moment may feel uncomfortable.....and it feels like fear, or sadness, disappointment, resentment, self-doubt, or hurt...IN THE PIT OF YOUR STOMACH.....BREATHE INTO THIS PLACE OF ANXIETY....BE WITH IT FULLY.....BE CONSCIOUS OF WHAT YOU FEEL....THIS IS THE TRUTH RIGHT NOW.

In this moment you are out of your mind and inside your emotional body. Breathe with it and allow the feelings to dissolve as you say out loud " I am here, I am going to take care of you, I love you." Feel your heart open and receive your truth. Be still and allow your soul to create your desires. Allow true love and peace to manifest.
Send your true message out loud and clear...Love,Peace, Passion, Abundance is living here in me. I am grateful."

Colleen Hoffman Smith

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