Friday, February 13, 2009

"Everything we do or say is filtered through our closed heart or open heart. It takes courage to live when we feel only negativity. It is hard to receive love when our hearts are full of fear, hurt, disappointment and resentment. We can't hide from our emotional pain because it eventually becomes our life. We can blame others and sit in the cave of our darkness....but eventually our physical world will pull us into the deep hole of struggle. Breaking through to the truth takes a brave soul, because underneath all of the negative emotions sits the lie that is the real culprit. This lie that was planted in us so long ago is what attracts the lack of love in our life....or the lack of success in our career...lack of abundance.... the abandonment....loneliness.....loss....and failures.

Do you remember the fairytale about the Princess and the Pea? It's a wonderful story by Hans Christian Andersen. Once upon a time, there was a prince who travelled the world to find a real princess. One night in the rain aprincess was standing outside of his gate. The queen took her in for the night and tested her by laying a pea under 20 mattresses. In the morning, the princess said that she couldn't sleep as there was something hard that had made her body black and blue all over. They all agreed that nobody but a real princess could be this sensitive...the prince had found his princess.

The lie is the Pea that sits underneath the many matresses or the layers of our emotional pain. The lie that we are not worthy, not good enough, unloveable or not successful. Be truthful with yourself at the point of feeling closed or unhappy about someone or something......release the feelings of anger, hurt, disappointment and resentment in a healthy way. Once we can acknowledge that these uncomfortable feelings are ours, in the privacy of our own heart, this awareness can bring us to the understanding and the truth of self-doubt that doesn't really want to fester.

Say to yourself.....I don't believe the lie any longer.....I am good enough....and I am worthy of love and abundance.

Clear any lies that are living in your mind or heart so that you can fall deeply in love within. Experience all of the love that you are and know with every cell of your being that you are worthy of a life that will reflect the goodness and beauty that you are. If Valentines Day is taking you for a ride to your self-doubt or closed heart....take a turn inside and allow the tears of loneliness to spill out and the resentments and disappointments to be lifted with your fear until you feel that your emotional tank is empty. Know that you are on the high way that has been mapped out for is up to you to make the healthy choice as the roadblocks allow you an opportunity to either steer to the right or to the left. We can choose to live in love or live in pain. Let your creativity move through you heart each day and honor your journey to more love and peace.

If you are not in a beloved relationship, treat yourself to something loving yourself some flowers....have lunch with a friend....share a decadent dessert with a loved one....take a walk in nature and connect with your open heart.

You are worthy! Happy Valentine's Weekend!!!!
Colleen Hoffman Smith

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