Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Make The Choice To Connect

I fed my spirit with time needed and reconnected to my daily pleasures and joyful nurchering.

No one will give us the time to take care of ourself, it is always our choice and our planning.

When days are so full I try to wake up with the sunrise and connect within as I breathe in consciously the precious moments of care giving for myself.

Rushing around with deadlines and details continue to try to take me away from the importance of my needs.

Days seem to fly by and the detication to my health and wellness has to be woven into everything I do.

When I care and support myself I will be supported and resentment won't build up and make me a victim.

Uncomfortable negativity can be released when I acknowledge my feelings.
When my heart opens I connect to the presence and moving forward is easier.

I look at any emotional pain as a great opportunity to be with myself.

Safe communication and intimacy with loved ones can be the pathway to awarness.

Choosing to care for my own heart continues to create a sacred space for anyone who enters my daily life.

Day and night time rituals keep me connected with my mind, body, soul and spirit.

Make the choice to connect!

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