Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The voice of our ego is misleading.
True Love dissolves the false voice of the ego.
The voice of our higher self is of True Love.

True love tames fear and rescues us from the ego’s power.
Acknowledge, breathe, feel and let go of negative emotional barriers that close our heart to the presence of peace.

True Love is personal acceptance and presence in the moment .
True Love is forgiveness… Begin again and allow your authentic self to live freely.

True love inter-connects our mind, body and spirit, inter-grating our attention and intention.
True Love cannot live with illusion.

True Love does not ask for a thing…
doesn’t need….doesn’t control…doesn’t hurt…doesn’t deny us of joy or peace.

Each event or relationship of struggle gifts us the opportunity to be the keeper of the truth.

Once the awareness becomes conscious, the veil of darkness lifts and the light of compassion can heal a pathway to our open heart.

True Love sits patiently awaiting our arrival.

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