Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Our natural emotions are necessary to feel and experience in order for us to become healthy. Dr. Elisabeth Kubler- Ross teachings point out the importance of allowing grief, fear, envy, anger and love to be expressed by children in a healthy way in order for them to become healthy adults.

Once grief is released love can be felt. Grief suppressed will become sadness and create a closed heart. Actions and experiences that take us to feeling fear are choices made from love. When we react from fear we are trying to protect ourselves or our loved ones. Fear held in a healthy way keeps us cautious. Fear's evolution is to be released out of the body to love.

Anger suppressed will become rage, illness and unloving attitudes. Anger taken care of in a healthy way will release the body into peace. Envy in a child repressed becomes jealousy in an adult. Envy can direct a child to achieving or trying harder and this is a healthy evolution.
Love not allowed to be expressed will turn into self-hatred. When love is expressed with conditions, limitations or rules it becomes unhealthy love.

Love is our true nature and the root of our emotions and existence. Become the connection of love with every intention and decision and have faith that love will be the outcome. Take care of every emotion that rises up through the process of experience and drama.

If we can receive our uncomfortable emotions the same as we receive love in a calm and peaceful state, we can know that we have reached a deeper healed place."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

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