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"Your emotions are a pathway to your feelings.
Breathe into the emotion and feel.
Get to know your self from the inside out.
Become conscious of what is going on in you as
things are going on outside of you.
Connect with your emotional body and release
your uncomfortable feelings.
Feel your physical body lighter.
Breathe..."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"Some people are insensitive.
Some people are conscious and aware.
Some people disrespect and hurt others.
Some people take care of themselves and give from a full heart.
Some people speak without thinking.
Some people breathe before they speak.
Some people make mistakes.
Some people believe that there are no mistakes.
Some people live in truth.
Some people have trouble speaking the truth.
Some people are happy.
Some people are sad.
Some people are loving.
Some people are cold.
I have been these people.
I have experienced these people.
I now breathe and make a choice.
How can we judge?
See each person with understanding and acceptance.
Who will we be?
Take care of your emotional body so that you become
the person who you are proud of.
Be compassionate and forgiving."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"Check in each day!
Sit here in this moment of grace.
Connect to a sacred place in your heart.
Breathe fully into the love that is here.
Feel any negativity that stands in the way.
We can be aware of the love present and connect
to any emotional struggle right now.
It just takes a moment.
In a private place with your emotional body.
Say out loud "I am here".
"I stress or financial ruin, a toxic relationship or family issues,
health problems or physical pain or I am faced with tremendous loss."
"I feel...scared, fear, self-doubt, sadness, hurt,
anger, resentment, anxiety, depressed, stuck or worried."
"I can't go on, I'm stuck, I can't stand this any longer, I'm sick and tired."
Release any unhealthy feelings as you allow your voice to speak the pain.
Ask for help...reach deep and surrender to the darkness.
Breathe into the space that creates some light...feel lighter.
Be in gratefulness and connect to peace.
Be in the loving arms of your own heart.
It all starts here ...Self-Love is your first and last loving relationship.
Live in grace and feel your love."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"What is your intention with everything you do?
Make the choice deep inside to let go of judgment & self-hatred.
Take a look at false perceptions and self imposed restrictions.
Let go of blaming yourself or others.
Stop making rules that control yourself or others.
Breathe into any tightness or inflexibility.
Live in freedom with your mind and heart.
Place the treasure of unconditional loving for your self and others
when doing, being, listening, speaking, thinking, eating and creating.
We are worthy."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"I lost something precious today.
I felt in the moment of realization.
A gift from long ago.
It's gone and I let go.
The memory and intention I will never lose.
I have had a lifetime of letting go.
I am different now, I let go more easily.
Yet, I still need time to process my feelings.
I use this experience to take me to a familiar place inside.
I connect with the emotions that sit in the center.
I breathe into this uncomfortable place..
I stay here for a moment....BREATHE.
I feel nauseous....I breathe.
I connect and acknowledge my feelings.
I feel anger....I am mad at myself....I judge.
I feel resentment....did someone steal it?
I feel guilt for blaming someone else.
I feel disappointment in me.
I feel sadness.
My mind takes me to thoughts and past history...
I connect to the space beyond the anxiety
and emotional turmoil.
FROM THE INSIDE OUT."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"Never turn your back on a loved one.
Never close your heart or put them down.
Clear any negative thoughts so that you
stand beside them and stand up for them.
Be authentic with your love.
Be truthful with your heart.
Release the judgment that criticizes.
Gossip will energetically create guilt.
True friendship is shared with respect and honor.
Silence is acceptance.
Don't be two faced.
Look in the mirror and face the truth.
See that you are good enough and so are they.
The loved one is you, be the reflection."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"Sometimes we think that we are surprised by something or someone,
but when we reach into our heart we already knew on some level.
Our intuition is our higher awareness
held with consciousness.
That fleeting moment where we felt the truth
is when we get a glimpse of the future.
Trust that the collective mind and energy of us
can become conscious and shift all at the same time.
It takes just a moment to connect.
Acceptance is the gift."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"We are supported in so many ways.
The mystery of life brings miracles that weave each of our days.
Serendipity and synchronicity place moments of time embraced with loving gifts.
Be awake to enjoy the presence of love offered for you today."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"Ask for what you need and find it in the dark.
It will come and you know it.
It is here and you are worthy.
Create from this place of knowing.
Manifest from this space of believing.
If you lose something let go of any attachment.
Be patient and know that it may come back to you.
Breathe into the place inside that feels uncomfortable.
Let go and live fully without it.
Create from this place of knowing.
Manifest from this space of believing.
Be in a rhythm of your experience.
Live in harmony with each moment.
Your presence is what is important.
Stay connected in your life."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"Can we open our eyes in the morning and say "Thank you"?
Can we be patient as all of the fibers of our experience unravels?
Can we sit in the center of our heart and breathe into our feelings?
Can we be still and listen to the voice of our peaceful soul instead
of listening to our mind of judgment?
Can we ground our self inside while being present with our spirit?
Can we witness our behavior with insight and wisdom?
Can we escort our negative thoughts out of the way?
Can we dance with the truth that love is always in the presence of our open heart?
Can we believe in our loved ones and community that kindness and trust
takes the lead?
Can we have the courage to take responsibility for our actions instead of becoming
Can we listen to the struggle of another and stay in compassion?
Can we hear the words "I am sorry" and then let go of the hurt?
Can we trust that we are worthy of peace, love, passion, purpose and abundance?
Can we choose living fully in the light and the dark?
Can we take a deep breath at the end of the day and say out loud
"I'm here and I am safe"?
Can we close our eyes and feel the gratitude?"Colleen Hoffman Smith
"Our awareness lifts us to a higher level of understanding.
When you find yourselves in a place of confusion or a problem of some kind, breathe into the feelings that create the heaviness. Breathe and know that you are never going backwards. Breathe and know that you are deepening.
You may feel stuck for a while as you process your experience and feel overwhelmed with hurt, self-hatred, fear, disappointment, resentment, shame, anger or guilt. Depression or anxiety are the result of suppressed emotions that are begging for your attention.Use the Inner Workout to release the emotional pain that needs to leave your body. All of our uncomfortable feelings are based in fear and they are looking for a way out. Take this time to let go of the discomfort inside. Be with it all and breathe until you can connect to your faith that will take you to another level of awareness.
Rest here and trust that you will soon see the light through the darkness. Make the choice to live without the lie that keeps you believing that you are not good enough. Connect to your heart that desires peace and love.
Make the connection to your emotional pain, your conscious awareness and your open heart."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"Communication is the doorway to our open heart and intimacy.
When emotional turmoil creeps in making us feel not good enough, unsuccessful or small,
acknowledging it in a healthy way allows the uncomfortable emotions to be released.
You can feel it, voice it, write it and share it.
The only other option is to suppress it, shove it away or deny it.....
eventually you will feel it, voice it, release it when triggered.
Confrontation creates walls.
Healthy Communication opens the door to peace."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"Our natural emotions are necessary to feel and experience in order for us to become healthy. Dr. Elisabeth Kubler- Ross teachings point out the importance of allowing grief, fear, envy, anger and love to be expressed by children in a healthy way in order for them to become healthy adults.
Once grief is released love can be felt. Grief suppressed will become sadness and create a closed heart. Actions and experiences that take us to feeling fear are choices made from love. When we react from fear we are trying to protect ourselves or our loved ones. Fear held in a healthy way keeps us cautious. Fear's evolution is to be released out of the body to love. Anger suppressed will become rage, illness and unloving attitudes. Anger taken care of in a healthy way will release the body into peace. Envy in a child repressed becomes jealousy in an adult. Envy can direct a child to achieving or trying harder and this is a healthy evolution. Love not allowed to be expressed will turn into self-hatred. When love is expressed with conditions, limitations or rules it becomes unhealthy love.
Love is our true nature and the root of our emotions and existence. Become the connection of love with every intention and decision and have faith that love will be the outcome. Take care of every emotion that rises up through the process of experience and drama.
If we can receive our uncomfortable emotions the same as we receive love in a calm and peaceful state, we can know that we have reached a deeper healed place."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"We were on a beautiful family vacation last week in Jamaica with our children and grandchildren. Every moment was fantastic with so much love, joy, laughter and happiness. Bruce and I would go to the spectacular beach early each morning together and sit in gratitude as our heart and body opened to the incredible vista and the gifts of family togetherness. We felt the energy and spirit of the morning calm and we became the open window for each of our children to feel the flow of unconditional love. The rhythm of each day began with our connection to our loving heart and each family member connected to this inner heart beat. Each day took us to a peacefulness and the sparkle of joy ignited playfulness. These sweet memories have been woven with sunshine and placed in the heart of our family to be remembered forever.
I am so grateful...we are so blessed!"Colleen Hoffman Smith
"A Mother's heart should be respectful and loving. Our heart can be the pathway or doorway for our family's troubles, not to hold onto them or punish them , but to allow the energy of love to move the pain into the light and then out of the way. A Mother's heart will have to let go, over and over again. Happy Mother's Day week!
I feel so blessed as Bruce and I take our family to Jamaica for a vacation. What a wonderful week I will have with my husband, our beautiful children and grandchildren! A Mother's dream come true. My heart will explode with joy each moment of every day. I am so very grateful.
Great News! I found our cat Lucky today...another miracle.
I will Blog again in a week."Colleen Hoffman Smith