Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"One perfect thing I continue to strive to do is experience my life fully....the lightness of joy and the darkness of struggle. Last week I experienced incredible emotional pain of a deep wound and because of my journey with this burden today I am in the experience of complete joy. My body, mind, heart and spirit are lifted and expanded to a spaciousness with peace and more love.

Once I released the old pain, my faith in me rested with my heart. Staying inside with my feelings while connecting with every precious moment continued the healing for me. I knew that an old part in me had died. Beyond the density of the heavy barrier of emotion, I felt the light draw me into the vastness of a transformation. Here peace moved into every cell of my body and I began to see so much beauty. It was as if I was seeing my life through different eyes. The blue sky reflected the colors of spring peeking through the grayness of nature. My heart was exploding with so much love as I bowed down to my loved ones and for where I am in my life.

I felt more alive....more youthful....more love.....more passion.....more calmness......more faith...more acceptance....healthier and a deeper part of myself, another level of consciousness. My gratitude is flowing and the wisdom of the divine set up has again lifted me to a higher altitude so that I can see more of the Universal Plan."

Colleen Hoffman Smith

Monday, March 30, 2009

"The deepening with our emotional healing is constant. Even today, after years of taking responsibility for my life lessons and years of releasing and being in touch with my feelings, I am faced with emotional struggle. Out of nowhere comes the pain of my wound again. I can say from my ego or my head... "I'm not hurt anymore...I have forgiven them or I have dealt with it."...but again the pain rises up in me....not just emotional but also physical pain pounding through my shoulders and back.

The Inner Workout holds the space, creating the safe container for me to be with the truth of what needs to be embraced or if not taken care of it may become an explosion. This process shows me the pathway through the fire of my emotions, assisting me to deepen as I release another layer of past suppressed pain that embodies the lie that shows its face again...."I'm not good enough or I'm unlovable or I need someone else's love and approval".

Thank God ...I have The Inner Workout to guide me to peace and more love again and again and again. I am grateful!"

Colleen Hoffman Smith

Friday, March 27, 2009

"If someone changed direction in relationship with me, it directs me to go inside to feel and heal.

Every relationship takes us to the love and the pain that is in us always. My past… let go, lifts me into the present beauty of my life and the loving peace of my heart."

Colleen Hoffman Smith

Thursday, March 26, 2009

"It's time for some spring cleaning! Sorting out drawers and purging in our closets gives us a fresh, spacious feeling. Take a peek inside the compartments of your heart and clear out any resentments or issues you may be holding onto. Release any emotions that have been shoved away all winter by using The Inner Workout as a cleaning tool.

Let go of any relationship conflict that has kept you hostage in your mind with fear, self-doubt, hurt and disappointment. Dust off your negative thoughts and connect with your authentic, loving self.

Create peace in your home and in your heart! Spring is here and it is a wonderful opportunity to share love and joy!"

Colleen Hoffman Smith

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"If there are any conflicts in our life they are inside us. There is no other place that we can resolve any issues but inside us. The most important connection is inside us. We transform our life from inside us. We can reflect love and peace each day from inside us. Our anxieties and fears are waiting to be held inside us. We are supported by God and the Universe when we support ourselves from inside us. Take the time each day to go inside and breathe into all that you are and feel ....the gift of self-worth is inside us."

Colleen Hoffman Smith

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"Each day is another opportunity for success and for greatness. Each day we can celebrate the chance to become all that we are meant to be and for honoring all that we already are. Each day is another chance to love more and open to the grace of every intimate moment of peace. Each day is the arrival of precious time to be with our soul's evolution, our loved ones and our purpose. Each day is a gift to inspire our life. Each day brings us new struggles to test our inner truth and our commitment to a spiritual practice. Each Day brings us closer to what is important.

At the end of the day be with the hard times as you take responsibity. At the end of the day, feel the emotions that the struggle has taken you to. At the end of the day breathe into your feelings. At the end of the day let go of judgment and blame. At the end of the day forgive. At the end of the day connect to your compassionate heart.

Live every day with the end in mind."

Colleen Hoffman Smith

Monday, March 23, 2009

"Celebrating with loved ones...our close intimate circle of family and friends who love us unconditionally. Creating unforgetable memories with the hearts of many who have always been there for us...so safe and loving. Every minute floated on the wings of love.

Many surprises unfolded as the evening raised the vibration of joy. We are still dancing with the songs of love and tasting the delicious flavours of the evening. We are so grateful to experience heaven on earth. Thank you!"
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Friday, March 20, 2009

"It's Springtime...kick up your heels! It's the celebration of the birthing of nature. Allow your heart to feel the loveliness...take a breath and celebrate.

Bruce and I are celebrating our 10th anniversary of our meeting. I am so grateful for every day, every sunrise and every sunset. It has been my greatest love and I look forward to the rest of our lifetime together."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Thursday, March 19, 2009

"Isn't it wonderful and precious to hold a child in your arms feeling the love and the peace of the moment?

Take the time to hold your inner child each day. Remember the innocence and the perfection of this connection."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

" How could anyone ever tell you that you're not good enough? How could anyone ever tell you you're not wonderful? How could anyone ever tell you you're less than them? How could anyone ever tell you you're not successful? How could anyone ever tell you you're a disappointment? How could anyone ever tell you you're not lovable?

Why do you believe you're not good enough? Why do you believe that you're not wonderful? Why do you believe that you're less than them? Why do you believe that you're not successful? Why do you believe that you're a disappointment? Why do you believe that you're not lovable?

Know your worth and believe."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"Once we make the decision that our relationship with our heart and every present moment is our first responsibility, then our life will support us in this place and thought. We have to try to make this decision over and over again."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Monday, March 16, 2009

"Each day is another opportunity for success and for greatness. Each day we can celebrate the chance to become all that we are meant to be and for honoring all that we already are. Each day is another chance to love more and open to the grace of every intimate moment of peace. Each day is the arrival of precious time to be with our soul's evolution, our loved ones and our purpose. Each day is a gift to inspire our life. Each day brings us new struggles to test our inner truth and our commitment to a spiritual practice. Each Day brings us closer to what is important.
At the end of the day be with the hard times as you take responsibity. At the end of the day, feel the emotions that the struggle has taken you to. At the end of the day breathe into your feelings. At the end of the day let go of judgment and blame. At the end of the day forgive.
At the end of the day connect to your compassionate heart.
Live every day with the end in mind."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Friday, March 13, 2009

"Once the release of struggle has been accomplished, we can trust again. Sometimes the struggle distracts us from breathing fully or remembering the truth. We must try to keep the faith that there is a bigger plan for us. It's just as important to spend time with the joy and the love of our life as it is with spending time with the dark side. There are two sides of love; there is the dark side and the light side of love.

Love yourself enough to go through the dark side and once you are through it, the light is there. You feel lighter, you can see your world differently...a brighter place and a more positive energy will emerge with the opportunity to be emotionally free."

Colleen Hoffman Smith

Thursday, March 12, 2009

"There is a song by Elvis, 'Suspicious Minds', that is playing in my head today. We have close relationships, people we love and want to trust yet we sometimes feel that their words are not of honesty. My intuition sparks an uncomfortable feeling because I know in my heart that I have been given lip service. Words that they think I want to hear.

I know this familar mask that I have worn in the past, not telling the whole truth or saying yes when I really mean't no. We have all stretched the truth and we have all lied to ourselves and others. I have heard stories where someone in a relationship says they are going to do great, meaningful things and never follow through. Waiting for someone else to be true and forthright may cause you great disappointment.

I learned along time ago that if I am attracting experiences like this in my life I have to be truthful with myself. Am I following through with my personal connection each day? Am I being honest with myself and being clear about what I need in a relationship? Am I committed to my connection with my mind, body, spirit and heart? This is my responsibility and each day I am the one who has to choose to follow through.

If we suspect that there is dishonesty or untruth in our life.....Look inside and feel the truth of our unsafeness....Listen to the truthful voice of our heart....Speak with the clarity of truth!

Our world will reflect who we are."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"There are so many things on our plate that we may find that we postpone what is important to us. Some mornings I have great intentions, but my list of things to do takes me away from what should be my priority. A phone call or a deadline pulls me into a zone that steals precious time. When I stop, look and listen to the truth of what is going on I can quickly plug into me....the source that brings me to the present moment.

Here I can re-group and breathe fully ....letting go of the control that I put on myself. While I spend some time with my busy mind, my breathing dissolves the separation and I move into a relationship with my heart. I ask myself 'What is truly important?' and from here I let go of guilt, judgment and fear.

Unplug from the outside world and connect to the beat of your heart....it only takes a moment! This revitalizes me as I give some attention to myself in the middle of my busy-ness.

Continue to be conscious of who may be plugging into you to be their source .....don't give your power away...a great reminder is when you feel uncomfortable. Be aware of any times you might be plugging into others for attention. Breathe into the connection within and have faith that you are enough.

We don't need anyone's love and approval and they don't need ours. Our greatest gift is to know our worth and see it in others. I believe that we are all capable to find our way to live our life purpose with peace, unconditional love, passion and abundance. Sometimes we may be in struggle and other times in bliss....the journey is personal and powerful. Plug into all that you are and have faith each day."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Make love all day! Love making with our mind, body and spirit is our personal conscious connection and we are the one's who make the choice. Intimate and healthy communication with our own heart in mind and breathing into our feelings at the same time takes practice. Our relationship with our emotions is the doorway to more love and will strengthen our ability to be present and committed to our own intimacy. Our daily love making is nurturing our spirit as we open to kindness and gentleness. Feeding our souls with a spiritual connection lifts us to a higher vibration as we hold the space for any negative judgment or fear to dissolve. Nourishing our body, which is our sacred temple, with healthy foods while stretching and moving with exercise keeps us flexible and attractive. Acknowledge the battles inside where guilt and anger become the power and forgive ourselves and others for forgetting that the love and peace is always waiting to connect.

I try to take 15 minutes each day to breathe until I feel the space in me. I then hold any negativity that rises up....from here I feel the uncomfortable emotions. My Inner Workout supports me each day as I release and let go of any negative lie that I am believing. From this place of compassion and forgiveness I am free to feel more love. Throughout the day I try to be conscious of my breath and allow my heart to lead the way. Opening my heart allows me the opportunity to be in love and acceptance. When a negative experience appears I don't have to react and it is alot easier to be present and observe. It seems that when I am more comfortable with myself and experiencing my day from a positive and loving heart ...the day becomes my reflection. Love making is our personal connection with our own heart.....share it! Attract and Inspire your Beloved relationship when you are connected.

Join Bruce and I for a teleseminar tomorrow night...we will be talking about how we keep the Beloved Relationship alive each day!"
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Monday, March 9, 2009

"Don't wait for someone to give you what you need. Give to yourself first so that your heart feels the connection of love or pain and from this place you can connect with your life and others without resentment, disappointment or neediness.This morning I took the opportunity to sleep an hour longer ... now I am ready for my busy day and my body feels rested.

Today is my daughter Lauren's 23rd birthday and I took time to be with her as I wrote a letter to her in my journal. I felt the joy of her beauty as the words painted my heart....it was lovely as I visited her with memories of fun times together. For 3 years now, Lauren has lived in Banff Alberta. She decided to throw herself a birthday bash yesterday with 40 friends and she rented a hotel suite on her own. She had so much fun planning her event! Usually I take a trip to see her during her Birthday week but this year Bruce and I were there a month earlier. Lauren took care of herself and I am so proud of her.

Treat yourself well, respect your needs and and try not to expect others to fill you up or make your life loving or exciting. Honor your family and friends and move any negativity away that keeps you cold and shut down. Call a friend from a loving heart ....not out of duty. Give to others from a place of peace ....be present with your heart and continue to breathe into your feelings. Be authentic with your life.

I find that when I make healthy choices for my mind, body, heart and spirit, I can then give from my nourished heart and I also attract experiences and relationships that desire the same connection. This intimacy with the heart is incredible practice for any beloved relationship.

Instead of waiting for someone to give to me and feeling disappointed....I take the time to be with all that I am. Our lives reflect for us a personal journey....living life fully with the negative and positive is a beautiful life. Being present with my true feelings is my responsibility.

Take the time for yourself today! Consciously breathing deeply for 15 minutes would be a great gift.
You are worth it!"

Colleen Hoffman Smith

Friday, March 6, 2009

"My granddaughter, Mattea, at 7 months old is finally going to be living without casts up past her thighs. Because of her club feet, she has been casted each week since she was 6 days old. At Sick Kids Hospital yesterday, my daughter Lindsay and myself, experienced the joy of seeing sweet Mattea playing with her feet and opening to a new world. Her eyes were so bright as the doctor told us that she was so pleased with the alignment of her feet and Mattea could now be fitted for her boots and bars. We all cried as the relief moved into our hearts.

The doctor said that every child is uncomfortable with the new boots and bars for 24 hours and that she will probably cry and struggle. Mattea loved getting her new shoes and smiled and was happy through the whole experience. Lindsay and I looked at each other with joyous tears saying at the same time, 'She's just like us...she loves her new shoes.' With the flat bar holding them in place she looks like a snowboarder now.

Mattea will wear her new boots and bars 23 hours a day for up to 3 months. Her feet look so beautiful! And we are so grateful to her wonderful doctors, Barbara along with the surgeon who has performed this miracle. Their talents and incredible care has made a difference in Mattea's life.

Throughout these months, Lindsay, her husband Jay, Mattea and 3 year old Eli, have been stretched with sleepless nights, emotional and physical pain and fear. Lindsay's heart was exploding with happiness all day as she rested in the peace and enthusiasm for this new chapter in her daughter's life. The whole family has held the space for our children during this challenging time and it has been a great gift for us all."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

" Use gentleness today as you move into your precious moments. Try not to force your way, your thoughts, your mind onto others. Hold the space and accept someone just as they are. Connect to your own heart and allow the energy of life to move through you. Allow your loved ones to feel their uncomfortable pain and make their choice.

Be the pathway of love and understanding as judgment, control and fear melts away. Let go of any attachments that tell you you are better or someone is wrong. Time in this healing place guides all to the truth as your reflection and unconditionally loving heart reminds you to be here fully...a comfortable place of peace that holds joy, faith and acceptance.

Breathe fully and become conscious of your own loving breath."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

" We grow and expand getting to know all of the aspects of ourself, then we make the choice. We can design our own template and adopt the aspects that serve us fully, deepening our connection to the presence within. When we feel the emotions from our wounded child and be with them until the feelings of self-doubt, fear, disappointment or anger dissolve...we open to a space that is very loving and peaceful. No one can make this decision for us. No one can fix us or change us. We are the creators of our existence."
Colleen Hoffman Smith

Monday, March 2, 2009

" We rest in the heart. Know yourself and connect to the presence of peace and tranquility within...breathe and become the doorway as you live your life."
Colleen Hoffman Smith