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"Sometimes I wake up with anxiety as I feel the pain and suffering of the world. I know that emotional pain is always a tough subject and facing it and doing something about it is really our most important task of the day. Over the last 48 hours, I have heard the pain, fear and struggles in people's voices and in their words. Every experience and each person has their own journey with the highs and lows that take them inside to feel or into distraction with denial. Physical pain seems to be more acceptable to talk about, yet the emotions drip off of every word. How we feel cannot be hidden and this is where compassion can create the safe place for release.
I find myself feeling my heart heavy and it is a constant opportunity for me to let go of any attachment to someone's pain as I feel my own sadness it is bringing me to. Once I acknowledge my own experience I can then choose life and celebrate in the moment I explode into the love of my heart. I feel alive this moment of truth. I am here....fully and I am living with a deeper connection of peace as the energy of life flows freely through me."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"How conscious are you while experiencing another's fear. Instead of fixing the situation can we pull into ourselves and be with our feelings that need our attention? Can we sit with our inner voice of truth? Instead of reacting, can we respond with a compassionate heart to bring in a new energy of awareness? Can we shift the tension by becoming interested in them? Can we listen to someones pain?
It takes just a moment to breathe into the unknown and prepare your heart with a prayer of understanding. Silence is acceptance and denial shoves the resentment away causing separation in any relationship. Move into stillness when you are in the middle of an energetic battle or the combat of words. Have a voice of strength to protect the heart of humanity. When the time is right and an opening is presented, can you speak with the gifts of clarity and compassion? Don't just jump off of the bridge of emotions....stay and release any judgment or anger so that a pathway to healthy communication can restore and empower the situation and person. When peace arrives you can embrace each other again and smile with a private awareness that holds precious truth and deepens into a new respect.
We all deserve a chance to allow our soul to grow through the struggles of life. Become the one who desires a deeper connection with yourself and is always our choice."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"Every day is precious as we become present with what each moment brings to us. Take the time to feel the love that is all around.
My heart is so full as I enjoy my daughter and grandchildren. They are such blessings in our life. I whisper the words I love you so softly as I hug them and hold them. I allow this beautiful moment to resonate all day long.
Our 6 month old granddaughter Mattea has surgery at Sick Kids Hospital today....hold this loving family in your heart. Thankyou."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"I clear away any resentments of the past with someone with whom I desire to have a healthy conversation with. My intention is to be totally present and hold the space for our highest good. My goal is to give the person a message from my heart and travel to a new depth of acceptance and growth.
As I pick up the telephone I feel my past fears rise up.....I am not ready yet....I must relax and clear so that I can find that place in me where there is no judgment or attachment. I take the time to breathe and acknowledge my feelings and emotional barriers. I breathe fully as I let go of the illusion of making anyone wrong or me right. I now sit with anticipation as the vibration of peace gives me comfort. The feeling of love gives me the courage to listen with an open heart and have a voice with clarity and faith. I make the call and I say, " I am interested in what you are feeling." I listen with an open mind. I hold the space as my heart feels a calmness.
When it is my turn to speak the words float into the receiver with an empowering strength. I see this person through my eyes of love and remember who he is ...his essence and the importance of his role. I know that the energy of healing inspires the rhythm of the conversation. The presence of spirit lifts us into truth and a familiar relationship with memories.
I am grateful for this opportunity to come together for a higher fulfillment. My heart feels peace as my message is received. The conversation has now met an intimacy with purpose. The words have now dropped from the mind through the channels of the heart of unconditional love.
I know a past pain has been released and a new respect restored. The coming together of two hearts, creating a beautiful sacred space for healing and support.
I am grateful."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"All night long I held fear in my body. Some family experiences are taking me to this place inside me. My mind wants to blame others or try to fix the situation and my fear continues to rise up inside of me. I was with it all night....being with my emotions. A family medical emergency triggered the emotional party all of my old friends ....self-doubt, anger, disappointment, self-hatred and the bully of them all...FEAR.My body was paralyzed as I allowed the feelings to dance and carouse in me. I continued to hold the space for me to have my intimate time with my heart that was shut down and heavy. I wasn't in denial of my own personal suffering as I asked for guidance. I opened my body to receive the energy that could support me as I stretched into my yoga positions. The soft music carried me to my tears as they washed away the fear. I sat in the silence of my mind in meditation and allowed my Inner Workout to release any negativity embracing the words as I voiced my emotional pain that was attached to the situation and the people involved. I used each person privately to let go of my uncomfortable feelings. I could feel my heart open once I allowed the fear to move out of my body. I believe that fear does not want to live buried inside's evolution is to be released to love and peace. In this sacred place of peace in my heart the guidance comes and the richness of hope and faith take me to conscious solutions and more awareness. Here I feel the strength of my spirit and I can be patient with the journey through this crisis.We all desire peace in our lives and our struggles and hard times can become the change that can direct us to another opportunity to be more compassionate and uncondionally loving. When we support ourselves, our nourished heart can support others. Take the time to be with fear and find the courage to face your own darkness. On the other side there is light and emotional freedom."Colleen Hoffman Smith
My Vision: To live a life of passion, purpose and personal power and to live emotionally free, poised to attract a life of success, abundance, love and peace.
I love to inspire people to find their own uniqueness; to recognize that place in them that can inspire their own world. We need to deal with our own wars inside in order to feel peace and joy each day.
Anxiety attacks and depression may come from exhaustion along with suppressed emotions. Our life dramas and struggles take us to our breakdowns. I believe these traumatic physical and emotional crises can take us to a breakthrough…a wake-up call.
Our most important job each day is to take care of ourselves before we can give to anyone. Make the healthy choice to eat well, sleep well and move away our fears that stop us from loving ourselves.
Fear stops us from seeing our own vision of opportunity, potential and wellness. The Inner Workout™ can change our perception with fear and self-doubt and lead and inspire us to connect with our highest vibration of self-worth and emotional freedom."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"I see my parents as they struggle with their physical and emotional pain....their struggles take them to their fear of death. I see my children move through their journey that brings them to their fear of not living fully. I witness my granddaughter Mattea, as she moves through tremendous physical pain. She is 5 months old and since birth she has been casted on both legs each week. We journey to Sick Kids Hospital and I hold the space of love for my children. The physical discomfort that Mattea goes through as her feet are remolded causes her to cry for hours. Mattea's tears brings her mother (my daughter Lindsay) to her fears and emotional pain. While the procedure unfolds each week, Lindsay holds her child with love and peace creating a sacred place for her little girl to feel safe. For at least 3 days after the procedure Mattea endures physical pain and her beautiful family loves her through it all. By the time her legs and feet are comfortable in the new casts we make the trip to Sick Kids and our precious children go through the grueling experience again. The doctors are amazing and so caring, but the tough procedure is necessary for Mattea's future. The miracle will be when she will walk.
When I have my time to comfort my granddaughter, I see how quickly she lets go of the painful experience. Her eyes light up and she is so connected to the love again. She doesn't hold on to the pain. Once we are in the car and Mattea is asleep, I hold the space as Lindsay releases her tears that she has gently put aside, and she moves into her strength again. I also see how my daughter and her husband have so deepened in their own hearts and their loving relationship. They have all been stretched with this experience.
They are at the peak of this medical journey when next week Mattea has surgery and her last set of casts. We see the light and the past is behind them, yet the experience will always be woven in the blanket of their family love.
I will be sharing this story with my they all choose more life and love. I am so grateful and proud of my children!"Colleen Hoffman Smith
"Yesterday a friend asked me about living in my heart, open and forgiving all the time. She said that she wants to understand how we can be loving if there is someone in our lives who robs or betrays us. She commented that there are people that aren't very nice to us can we forgive what they have done to us?
We cannot live a moment in our open and loving heart if we are angry, disappointed, hurt or feel disrespected. These uncomfortable feelings are in us each time we think of the person who may be dishonoring us or criticizes who we are. The negative emotions that rise up in us are usually attached to an experience or another person. These feelings have to be taken care of. If we feel self-doubt or resentment because of someone, we may be shut down or triggered and most likely will project our unhappiness.
We have to respect ourselves and set boundaries. We must also have a voice and stand up for ourselves. The anger and hurt is ours to look after and once we release it privately, we can speak with a clear and centered voice of truth. Stand up with a strong conviction and ask for what you need always. If you can take responsibility for your emotional pain and take care of your hurt may be free to forgive. This process takes time, but you can choose to live with pain or live without it. Peace waits on the other side of the bridge. That's why it is called The Peace Bridge."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"I felt chills up my spine as I listened to Martin Luther King Jr yesterday, as CNN replayed his live speech, 'I Have a Dream' from 1963 .
Today makes history as we watch the inauguration of the first black President of the United States, Barack Obama. Martin Luther King Jr.'s words... 'Free at last, Free at last...Thank God we are Free at Last!' spoke about letting freedom reign in Alabama, letting freedom reign in Mississippi, letting freedom reign in different parts of the world. His words created a voice of strength and his faith became the vision of today.
I am so proud of the American people for believing in this dream of peace, harmony and equality! When I listen to Barack Obama, I feel the presence of every great leader that has walked on this earth who has inspired freedom, justice and hope. I am so grateful to be a part of this huge change in the world and I look forward to doing my part for peace.
I believe that freedom must reign in each one of our hearts! It is up to us to take responsibility for any bitterness, hatred, judgment or prejudices we may carry.
Take the time to dig deep and clear any past resentments, fear or disappointment that stops you from opening your heart. Find your way to gratitude and welcome integrity and passion as you create purpose and peace each day. Be the new leader in your own life with emotional freedom in your heart! Let freedom reign at last! Thank you God!!"Colleen Hoffman Smith
"Listen to your friends and loved ones. Be their biggest fan! Support them emotionally by allowing them the space to go where they make their choices to go. Share your thoughts if they ask for them. Create intimacy by sharing your experiences to give them another window of opportunity. Judgment or criticism is felt within the energy that embraces the voice. Clear your heart of fear so that the unconditional love speaks volumes. Observe their journey and remember your own.
Sit with patience and be there with faith...on the sidelines...until you are invited in by an open heart. If someone gives their opinion and you don't's not about proving them wrong. Instead of reacting or shutting down, express your perspective as you share your own experience. Let go of control and allow your loved ones their experiences. If your heart is open and judgment or disappointment is out of the way, there is a chance for someone to hear you.
Find your way each day to your compassionate, open and loving heart. Conscious communication and a healthy voice creates a beautiful rhythm between two hearts.
Support your self emotionally and create a safe environment for your friends and loved ones to share themselves with you.....this space can encourage healing and inspiration."
Colleen Hoffman Smith
"The sun is shining and we are in total acceptance....the day is stormy and we wish for the sun shine. Can we trust that our days unfold perfectly for the benefit of our souls evolution? Can we know with every moment that our presence is our only responsibility?
Connect with our feelings and aknowledge what feels stressful or with that moment fully. As we breathe into our fear or self-doubt, resentment or disappointment we can clear negative emotions by listening to the lies that keep us from allowing, being, or trusting. The anxiety may be fueled by our doubtful mind and as we take the time to breathe and be with any negative struggle within, the pleasure of peace melts away the walls that stops our heart from being open.
Feel the shift in you as you take the time to allow the clouds to lift or the tears to release. Say out loud, 'I am here and I am safe.' Find your way to this space in you that trusts fully that you are worthy and that you are manifesting a life of love, peace, passion, abundance and wellness.
Trust that everything is aligning for you and that any change is re-directing your pathway exactly as it should. When the darkness of the storm or struggle keeps you inside.....this too is perfect!"Colleen Hoffman Smith
"The saying 'Plant your two feet firmly on the ground' brings me to my daily practice that creates an opportunity for me to consistently do just that. I like to visualize having one foot out and one foot in creating balance that connects me to the present moment. One foot out as I am aware of what is going on around me and one foot in as I am conscious of what is rising up inside me. Here I can breathe fully into all that is here.
To become emotionally free each day I must release any barriers that stop me from being open. These barriers can be fear, self-doubt, anger, resentment, disappointment, grief, sadness, hurt or judgment.
The Inner Workout is my daily exercise that supports me in releasing any negativity so that I can live connected to my spirit! Here I am balanced, open , compassionate, forgiving, peaceful and unconcondionally I can step forward into my life fully!"
Colleen Hoffman Smith
"Give yourself some attention each day so that you can give from a full nourished heart. I like to get up extra early on a busy day to walk, do my yoga, meditate and spa so that I have space in me to give more of myself when the unexpected arrives. If you are tired and drained you will have a hard time to be with a loved one who has a challenge or you may not have the patience when your friend needs your help. Life is busy....give to you so that you can give unconditionally."Colleen Hoffman Smith
"This is the time of the year that we may feel that we have over indulged during the holidays. 'It was easy to do', as I said to myself , 'It's Christmas, I can have a little more.' or 'We are on vacation, so I am going to party!' The guilt creeps in and I beat myself up with unkindness like....'I should know better!' and lectures that go like this, 'Why do you make these unhealthy choices for yourself ?'Well, I roll into self-doubt, anger and disappointment long enough to feel my shame and acknowledge that I am human. The war with my mind is much more unhealthy than some of the choices I made. I am tired and I feel the extra weight....the emotional weight is lifting as I release the density of my bad feelings about myself. Forgiveness now flows into my heart as I remember who I am and realize that there is no need to stay in the place of bullying myself. Letting go and remembering the beauty of the holidays and the joy of our vacation is where my heart thrives. I am now receiving more love so that I can be open with my peaceful heart again. I am grateful!"Colleen Hoffman Smith
"Each day is a new adventure and our life can change so fast. The birth of a newborn precious baby or the loss of a loved one will move the energy of our world from one moment to the next. A perfect opportunity for us to feel more love or more pain....this is what is happening every day in our lives. The phone rings and the news on the other end may be exciting or devastating...either can be transforming. Breathe into your own heart as the sun rises and clear any fear or resentment that may be collecting or pushed aside. Peek into your emotional state by spending time with any resistance that creates self-doubt or disappointment. Support yourself as your day unfolds and before you close your eyes at bed time find your way to gratitude as you sit in your compassionate heart.Feel the fullness of your life and live in acceptance and faith as you inspire yourself and your loved ones with unconditional love and peace. Trust that every word spoken and each moment in silence can be the pathway to healing. We never know what the universe has in store for us. Trust that each turn in the road brings you to more awareness and wisdom."Colleen Hoffman Smith
Bruce and I are just home from a week away at a couples resort in Antigua (The Sandals Grande). The loving energy was at such a high vibration. Men and women only there with a purpose to love and be loved. We enjoyed every day as we explored each other and found that our time , that was so precious, showed us the depth of our unconditonal love.
I envision a world in love and peace and for one week this resort became that world for us. I know that the first step to this reality is living it in your own world and it all starts with the connection of love and peace in your own heart. Support yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically and this connection sends a signal out to the universe....very softly...that you are supporting yourself and thus manifests complete support.
Find ways to ignite your passion and playfulness. Laugh and cry with the joy of living fully. The peaceful, joyful, passionate and loving world that you crave is waiting to live in your heart. Be the inspiration!Colleen Hoffman Smith