Colleen Hoffman Smith
Friday, November 28, 2008
" The Goddess sees the truth from the space within her open heart...every man has the potential to be a Nobleman. When you take care of your judgment and your past emotional pain, every Nobleman can see the Goddess within the woman. This space is available beneath the pain that keeps us separate from the connection of our open and loving heart."
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
"When we are in a grace period there are no outside dramas affecting or erupting for us today. Feel the freedom as our heart can experience the joy and love of living. During this precious time we can connect with this loving energy around and inside us knowing that we are manafesting from peace instead of fear. Stay present with grace and breathe awareness and hope for everyone around you. Gratitude keeps us humble and compassionate for world struggles and our open heart can inspire a loved one or neighbour to feel the same joy and peace that we are all worthy of."
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Monday, November 24, 2008
"Yes you can BE with anyone if they stay! Any relationship that is in your life can serve you......we can leave if it is uncomfortable or we can continue to take responsibility for our own emotions that come to the surface. If we are in judgment or reaction we are being triggered by this person's pain and making them the problem. Finding our voice in relationship can move us into the safe harbour where healing our past brings us to more peace.
God makes no mistakes when he brings two people together! If the other person continues to shut down and blame you or shuts you out, can you move into your own compassionate heart to create your safeness where you can feel your own emotions such as.....guilt, fear, trust, self-doubt, resentment or anger?
This place that the other person may bring us to is the same wound that we have had to face since childhood such as....I am not good enough, I need your love and approval or I am not worthy of love.
If two people are willing to stay in relationship with healthy communication and understanding, together the relationship can grow and heal. We can leave if we feel our own discomfort or we can choose to stay if each one can find the place where living our highest potiential is possible. Sometimes we have to leave because the other person continues to blame and ultimately abuses, or doesn't take responsibility.... Finding your voice and protecting yourself from emotional or physical attacks is necessary. Take responsibility for your emotional attack on another or yourself ....this negative blame and judgment creates the barriers to loving and becomes the toxic relationship in you.
Sometimes we have to fully let another go because their own negativity and blame is still attached to you. Find your way with each relationship in your life...with your significant partner, your parents, your children, your siblings, your friends, your co-workers....and find your way to get from A to BE in peace and love. The breakthrough is in you."
God makes no mistakes when he brings two people together! If the other person continues to shut down and blame you or shuts you out, can you move into your own compassionate heart to create your safeness where you can feel your own emotions such as.....guilt, fear, trust, self-doubt, resentment or anger?
This place that the other person may bring us to is the same wound that we have had to face since childhood such as....I am not good enough, I need your love and approval or I am not worthy of love.
If two people are willing to stay in relationship with healthy communication and understanding, together the relationship can grow and heal. We can leave if we feel our own discomfort or we can choose to stay if each one can find the place where living our highest potiential is possible. Sometimes we have to leave because the other person continues to blame and ultimately abuses, or doesn't take responsibility.... Finding your voice and protecting yourself from emotional or physical attacks is necessary. Take responsibility for your emotional attack on another or yourself ....this negative blame and judgment creates the barriers to loving and becomes the toxic relationship in you.
Sometimes we have to fully let another go because their own negativity and blame is still attached to you. Find your way with each relationship in your life...with your significant partner, your parents, your children, your siblings, your friends, your co-workers....and find your way to get from A to BE in peace and love. The breakthrough is in you."
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Friday, November 21, 2008
"Understanding becomes more clear as time passes. The mystery of life shows me the incredible plan each day and I am grateful that I have learned to let go and be patient.
Sometimes it isn't easy when I try to control or if I don't listen to the voice of my heart. In this place of resistance my lack of faith has created the conflict. My fear and self-doubt or my guilt and judgment stopped me from breathing into the center of patience. My belief and trust is shaken for a short while until I can find my way to forgiveness and compassion.
The journey from conflict to peace can be experienced at any time. Then I let go and BE in the presence of my incredible life and around the next corner of my day comes the news with a clarity of new understanding. Be aware of endless joy and love that is waiting on the other side of your bridge to emotional freedom!"
Sometimes it isn't easy when I try to control or if I don't listen to the voice of my heart. In this place of resistance my lack of faith has created the conflict. My fear and self-doubt or my guilt and judgment stopped me from breathing into the center of patience. My belief and trust is shaken for a short while until I can find my way to forgiveness and compassion.
The journey from conflict to peace can be experienced at any time. Then I let go and BE in the presence of my incredible life and around the next corner of my day comes the news with a clarity of new understanding. Be aware of endless joy and love that is waiting on the other side of your bridge to emotional freedom!"
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Thursday, November 20, 2008
"Our purpose each day is to move deeper before we move forward. Our days are so busy with projects and deadlines....the treadmill of daily busy-ness takes us to exhaustion. We may feel that life is great and feel peace until an event, phone call or a comment from someone takes us into feelings of self-doubt or fear.
Awareness is sitting within the moment once we have felt and released the uncomfortable emotions. Usually our need for someone's love or approval stops us from being connected to our higher vibration. The emotional weight becomes the burden and barrier to loving fully. The last place we want to go is to the emotions, yet this is exactly where we have to go to release the lies and feelings that continue to come up to be healed. Lies such as...I am not good enough, I am not going to be successful, I am not worthy of love. Our emotional sadness and disappointment, our hurts of the past will continue to surface so that we can change our perception about ourselves and others.
Today say out loud 'ENOUGH...I want to live differently now....I don't believe the lies any longer.....Enough.' Use the Inner Workout to take you to a place of peace....where you don't need anyone's love and approval. The love and peace is in you...waiting to be connected....Find your way deeper and inspire your day!"
Awareness is sitting within the moment once we have felt and released the uncomfortable emotions. Usually our need for someone's love or approval stops us from being connected to our higher vibration. The emotional weight becomes the burden and barrier to loving fully. The last place we want to go is to the emotions, yet this is exactly where we have to go to release the lies and feelings that continue to come up to be healed. Lies such as...I am not good enough, I am not going to be successful, I am not worthy of love. Our emotional sadness and disappointment, our hurts of the past will continue to surface so that we can change our perception about ourselves and others.
Today say out loud 'ENOUGH...I want to live differently now....I don't believe the lies any longer.....Enough.' Use the Inner Workout to take you to a place of peace....where you don't need anyone's love and approval. The love and peace is in you...waiting to be connected....Find your way deeper and inspire your day!"
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
"Relationships constantly call us to create, express and experience our higher self and higher vibration. Relationships never truly fail except in the human sense where the relationship didn't give you what you wanted. Every relationship is a stepping stone to truth and more love. Relationships change or fail when entered un-consciously.
As Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations with God) says.... 'People enter into relationships with what they can get out of them, rather than what they can put into them. Love is not a trade...For most people love is a response to need fulfillment. I'll trade you what I have if you give me what you have. If you both agree at a conscious level that the purpose of your relationship is to create an opportunity, not an opportunity for growth, for full self expression, for lifting your lives to their highest potential, for healing every false thought or small idea you ever had about your self,' ...your relationship will grow and expand.
If we have a different agenda or attachment, or have not found a voice to express needs this can breed resentment. Having a voice is necessary to get clarity and to make your needs known. When the time comes that we finally have a voice it may be embraced with the angers and resentments of our past and woven with the pain of our own self-doubt, fear, disappointment and hurts that were shoved away. All of our relationships can take us to new levels of our self expression and every relationship is a gift.
Take care of your barriers to loving more by releasing the negativity that may stop you from moving deeper in you. With clarity and our open heart.... our voice will compliment our healthy, wise inner voice."
As Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations with God) says.... 'People enter into relationships with what they can get out of them, rather than what they can put into them. Love is not a trade...For most people love is a response to need fulfillment. I'll trade you what I have if you give me what you have. If you both agree at a conscious level that the purpose of your relationship is to create an opportunity, not an opportunity for growth, for full self expression, for lifting your lives to their highest potential, for healing every false thought or small idea you ever had about your self,' ...your relationship will grow and expand.
If we have a different agenda or attachment, or have not found a voice to express needs this can breed resentment. Having a voice is necessary to get clarity and to make your needs known. When the time comes that we finally have a voice it may be embraced with the angers and resentments of our past and woven with the pain of our own self-doubt, fear, disappointment and hurts that were shoved away. All of our relationships can take us to new levels of our self expression and every relationship is a gift.
Take care of your barriers to loving more by releasing the negativity that may stop you from moving deeper in you. With clarity and our open heart.... our voice will compliment our healthy, wise inner voice."
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
"Our mind may be so overwelmed with details, captivating us like a prison. We may feel like our thoughts are looping us into stress and the heaviness of anxieties weigh us down. Taking time to connect with these unsettled feelings can start the process of moving out of our head. Releasing any negativity, letting go of the fear of getting it all done, or the self-doubt that we feel can create the space we need to drop into silence. This inner consciousness becomes the place of understanding and insight that empowers our vision and life purpose. Creativity is birthed from the heart when we are silent. Find this center point inside each day and bow to your mind, body and spirit for being the guiding force that can take you to your love and peace. This peace is waiting for your connection!"
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Monday, November 17, 2008
"Life is a constant letting go of control. We may be controlled by something or someone or we may control ourselves or others. Once we release the past, we can feel the difference in our life and control will no longer play a role in that moment. Can we trust that the outcome will become the clarity and perfection of what our soul needs. Lessons and issues take us inside to feel our self-doubt, fear and disappointment of our past over and over again. Be aware and use each opportunity to let go as you breathe and make a healthy choice for yourself. Become the observer and live present as you open your heart each day. Allowing others and Being present creates freedom!"
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Friday, November 14, 2008
"Hidden agendas, need and greed create dramas in our lives. If we can see that we are A PART of the whole and keep ourselves APART from the negativity, the truth will eventually be revealed. When sitting in the center of yourself as you breathe...allow the energy of the experience to flow past and stay unattached to blame or judgments that keep you looping in fear. As you seek evidence, continue to be patient as the experience unravels and the truth comes to the surface."
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Thursday, November 13, 2008
"When we can wake up with the enthusiasm of our day the feelings of aliveness can bring us so present to experience each moment. If we feel fear or stress the act of acknowledgment can connect us as we breathe through the negativities. The negative emotion must be felt and released to create the doorway to love and peace. Peace sits in the center of enthusiasm and the release of fear gives us the space to move with grace."
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
"What a difference a day makes!! The energy of the full moon that is arriving tomorrow (Thurs. Nov 13) has been giving rise to emotions and negativity around me. I am told that 2 days before a full moon and 2 days after the glow of the moon the powerful surge of energies push against the closed heart that is heavy with emotional weight. I have been witnessing rage and resentment ... self-doubt and fear as this invisible power and heightened energy moves through our bodies. Feel your centeredness and clarity as you experience the release of struggle. Mother Nature and Human Nature can weave together a relationship that can be supportive and inspiring."
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
"There is a constant cleaning out and purging in our lives. We can experience this in our homes and with our emotions. When you let go and clear, your house feels like you have more space and your heart and body feels lighter. This time of year seems to be a great time to prepare our homes and hearts for the holiday season and winter hibernation. Make the time for you and know at the other side of letting go there is a presence of peace."
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Monday, November 10, 2008
"Our past has planted lies in our minds and hearts....I am not good enough....I am not valued.....I am not worth loving.....I am never going to be successful. Life will always trigger past pain until we don't believe the lie any longer. When we can be the observer instead of reacting, the lie has dissolved and we can live in the present moment. From this presence of clarity, our hearts can be free to be and our voice can be truthful and connected to our self-worth. Allow life experiences and relationships show you the way to the truth. Allow yourself to feel fear fully so that your strength and wisdom can rise up and lead the way."
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Friday, November 7, 2008
"You may wake up in the morning and your first thought may be that 'it is a glorious is Friday....I feel great'. As you start to move into your day you may feel some anxieties rise up to be felt. This is a perfect time to go deeper within and breathe....breathe again....and move into the feelings that cause you to start to think and make judgements or assumptions about yourself....others...or the day. Take this time to expand from your thoughts to your feelings and acknowledge your fear, self-doubt or resentment. Clear the negativities by staying with them as you breathe and release them. Your negative mind will manefest a negative day. Stay with your feelings until you feel clear and with this clarity change your perception about the thought and give power to the truth. With the truth or the reality you can move into your day empowered."
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Thursday, November 6, 2008
"This is the breakthrough the world has been waiting for. He is the man that will inspire men to open to their greatest. He is the leader that will guide us to the other side of the fire.
He is a nobleman and his presence will encourage mankind to move into their connection to strength and power from within. He is the example of a loving husband. He has the courage to stop the war. He is the chosen one and his message is of peace, prosperity and unity. I am grateful that my children and our family will witness the shift in our lifetime.
I believe that the economic crisis was the doorway for Barack Obama. I am so excited for the future for each of us around the world."
He is a nobleman and his presence will encourage mankind to move into their connection to strength and power from within. He is the example of a loving husband. He has the courage to stop the war. He is the chosen one and his message is of peace, prosperity and unity. I am grateful that my children and our family will witness the shift in our lifetime.
I believe that the economic crisis was the doorway for Barack Obama. I am so excited for the future for each of us around the world."
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
"Today I have been reminded to let go of my attachments! It is not in the hands of the American people to change the is deeper than this! Americans may still have to live with their pain and suffering. We have no idea what the plan is for the evolution of souls today ! We may be surprised!!!! In my heart I believe that we are ready for change and I see this as a vision for peace!!!! It is coming to us....I know in every cell of my being that peace is here. What I don't know is the timing. Today I will hold the space for the blessings for the highest good of all..... the peace lives beyond the pain.
I have faith that humanity desires to live free!!"
I have faith that humanity desires to live free!!"
Colleen Hoffman Smith
Monday, November 3, 2008
"We have an opportunity to live the higher vibration of peace, integrity and love as we move into our heart and live from our true essence. The heart of the world is ready for this incredible change in consciousness as we have prepared our own hearts. The time has come and we are here to support the vision of peace."
Colleen Hoffman Smith
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